

Explore the piezoelectric properties of the crystals used in Ancient times to balance the electrical body.

With this product you may support all chakras/energy center. Collection of 5 natural crystals varying in size of high quality. Comes with a charging base of Tsalam (tropical tree) Selenit and Maya blue (cleans and charges the crystals) Each package varies in size (handmade).
  • Collection of 5 natural crystals of high quality:
  • Blue tourmaline (indicolite) activates the throat and third eye chakra.
  • Herkimler diamond opens the crown and third eye chakra.
  • Emerald opens the heart chakra and has a calming effect on the emotions.
  • Zincon (red) activates the base chakra and libido.
  • Amethyst opens up your mind for inner peace, intuition and higher consciousness.
For orders contact me, Walter Meneses.
Mobil: +46(0)768580594
Phone: +46(0)7680594

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